Café Miki

Established in 1979, this coffee shop has been loved by locals for over 40 years.

The coffee shop offer siphone-brewed coffee made from home-roasted coffee beans, and also has a Dutch coffee machine that serves cold brew coffee.
A wide variety of dishes is also available, especially the Japanese style daily lunch is popular.

The old-fashioned with warm atmosphere coffee shop is a space where offers relaxing time to people of all ages.


喫茶 美貴(@kissa_miki)がシェアした投稿


喫茶 美貴(@kissa_miki)がシェアした投稿


喫茶 美貴(@kissa_miki)がシェアした投稿

Basic information

Postal code 〒669-2341
Address 846 Gunge, Tambasasayama City, Hyogo
Phone number +81-79-552-3480
Parking Available for 13 cars (free)
View on Google map
Website Visit Website (Japanese only)
Facebook Visit Facebook page

Business Information

Business hours 8:30am – 6:00pm
Closed Open all year around

Food and Drink information

Number of seats 51
Remarks No smoking
Payment method Credit card (other payment) is accepted