Konishi Bread

Konishi Bread Co., Ltd . was founded by Kiichiro Konishi in 1891 in Yura , Awaji Island ( currently Sumoto City). In 1909, when the 70th Army Infantry Regiment was established, we moved to Sasayama as a purveyor to the Army and have continued to t his day.

Tambasasayama’s specialty, Konishi bread, is made by carefully simmering authentic Tamba black soybeans for 8 to 9 hours. We have been using this method to bring out the original flavor of the black soybeans while reducing the sugary sweetness in the bread .

The melon bread(a melon-shaped sweet bun), which is the irregular and limited production, has also been very  popular  for a longtime .
In the future, we would like to try to manufacture
even better products with our long time experience combined with new senses .
Also , if you have any concerns , please let us

Online shop(Japanese only)



Basic information

Postal code: 669-2336
Address 2 3 U o y a m a c h i , Ta m b a s a s a y a m a  C i t y,
H y o g o
Phone number +81-79-552-0052
Parking Proceed north at the traffic light closest
to the store, our designated parking spaces are
No.1 to 5 , 8 and 9 of the monthly parking lot .
Map See it on

Business information

Business hours 8 : 3 0 a m – 4 : 0 0 p m
Business hours (remarks) The shop will be closed when the bread sold out
Closed Tuesday