Maekawa, Yamazato cuisine

I was born and raised in Tamba Sasayama, and as a chef, I would like to cherish a time-honored tradition and let the customer know how wonderful my hometown is through the dishes I serve.

In autumn, the Sasayama Basin gets enveloped deeply in fog and goes under the sea of ​​clouds. Due to the large temperature difference between day and night, the crops become sweeter and the richer ingredients are cultivated. I am very happy as a cook because I can get all the ingredients such as wild plants that grow naturally in the local mountains, as well as vegetables and meat, in good condition.

I will welcome you with delicious rice from Tambasasayama. Rice that has been dried by exposing the harvested rice to the sun and wind, not by machine, is served in a earthen pot. Rice is available for you to purchase as a souvenir.





まえ 川(@sasayama_maekawa)がシェアした投稿




yoshinori kajiyama(@kaji.yoshi.noz)がシェアした投稿

Lunch menu

We serve seasonal Omakase (chef’s choice) course dishes.
Note: Prices include tax

‘Tsubomi’                           3,850 yen for 5 items
‘Maekawa’                          5,800 yen for 7 items

Dinner menu

‘Maekawa’                            5,800 yen for 7 items
‘Furusato’                             8,800 yen for 8 items
‘Yamazato’                           11,000 yen for 10 items
Wild boar cource meal         7,700yen








Basic information

Post code 〒669-2323
Address 93, Tatsumachi, Tambasasayama City, Hyogo Prefecture
Phone number 090-2065-4595
Parking Lot There is a parking lot for “Maekawa” at the Shimo Tatsumachi bus stop (Go toward the signboard of the Hyogo Prefectural Credit Union bank, it’s on the same street)
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